It is that time of the year again - father’s day! We are being bombarded with gazillions of commercials, flyers, banners, video ad on numerous web sites (damn, it always kills my dial-up connection at home)... you name it. I have always despised the commercialization of holidays (mother's day, father's day, Halloween, and the worst of them all - Valentine's day), but I have decided to pick up a gift for my old man (my dad is 60-year-young) this year just as last year (and the year before, and the year before that...). What is wrong with this self-contradicting madness? Well, part of me thinks the commercialization of these holidays has greatly cheapened the most sacred sentiment of human being (AKA “love”); on the other hand, my parents will probably kill me if I don’t get a present (OK, they won’t, but I might kill myself when their friends tell them how great their kids are with these lavish “father’s day gifts”). To sum it up, I give nod to matter over mind, since no one really gives a crap about what I think. Okie, better get busy shopping for gifts now… watch out for another tie, dad!